Personal Blog Revamp

I'm currently trying to re-vamp my personal blog. Since I started it I had a love hate relationship with the name. Rotten Style. I loved it, but at the same time, it didn't give the blog much room to breathe. I felt like it didn't fit with the majority of beauty and lifestyle stuff that I am so keen to write about.

I was also struggling with coming up with a logo/header for the blog. For nearing 2 years, I wasn't happy with the way it looked. I also couldn't see the blog name in a magazine... Silly I know... but the blogosphere is so up and coming, you never know.....

So today. Living on Lemons was born!! It will showcase the (real) struggle of being a beauty junkie, foodie, adventurer and fashion student, on a small, lemonade budget.

I took to illustrator to make the logo, to keep my mind, and newly acquired skills fresh. I learnt a lot during first year on promotion and making everything look top notch, and it's a shame to put it to one side over summer and let my mind seize up.

It's been a month and I already miss the creativeness.
Above you can see the image I used to draw and re-create the logo. And below you can see the finished design!


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